Katzenklo mit Feniska Base und App

Symptom check overweight

Recognize symptoms of diseases faste than vets.
Buy smart litter box tracker

Monitor toilet visits and your cat's weight with the Feniska Base and thus prevent diseases such as obesity.

Icon Katze mit Fragezeichen

Do you have an elderly or sick cat?

Icon Katze mit Fragezeichen

Have you had any experiences with late-detected diseases?

Icon Katze mit Fragezeichen

Are veterinary costs a burden on your financial situation?

Icon Katze mit Fragezeichen

Are you constantly worried about your cat?

Katze auf Toilette mit Feniska Base und App

Feniska Base für eine gesunde & glückliche Katze

The smart litter box tracker for a healthy & happy cat

Buy smart litter box tracker

Recognize obesity

Icon Katze

The tactile test

Do the touch test and try to feel your cat's ribs. If you are overweight, you will hardly be able to feel your ribs.

Icon Katze

The optical test

Position yourself above your cat and look between the ribs and the torso of the cat. If there is no indentation, then overweight is suspected.

Recommended by veterinarians

Dr. Nerése Ellis

"Behaviour and weight changes can be among the first signs of disease developing in our pets."

Dr. Virginie Goffaux

"In domestic cats, weight fluctuations and changes in toilet habits are early warning signs of a variety of health problems."

Dr. Stefanie Engelke

"Health is our most valuable asset. Innovative technical solutions such as the FENISKA Base contribute to a longer and healthier life for cats."

Developed for you and your cat

Feniska helps you to identify obesity in your cats early

App Screen Katze Toilettenbesuche

Automated monitoring of toilet visits

App Screen Katzengewicht

Regular tracking of weight development including trend analysis

App Screen Notification

Health reports and alerts about abnormalities

Obesity in cats: Health consequences and remedies for your cat

Obesity in cats is not uncommon these days, but it can have health consequences and affect your cat's quality of life. Here's how to spot obesity and what you should do to help your cat lose weight.

Identify obesity in cats

It is often a challenge to correctly estimate a cat's weight as they are reluctant to be weighed. Depending on the breed, age and size of the cat, there are also different values ​​for the normal weight of the animal. However, there are also a few general guidelines you can use to tell if your cat is overweight:

1) Feeling: feel your cat's body sideways with both hands. For a normal-weight cat, you should be able to feel its ribs under a thin layer of fat. If you find it difficult or impossible to feel your cat's ribs, your cat may be overweight.

2) Observe: stand over your cat and look down at her body from above. For a normal-weight cat, you should be able to see an indentation between the ribs and the body of the animal.

3) Vet Visit: If you are unsure about the first two methods, you can also have your cat weight checked at your vet

Consequences of obesity in cats

Obesity in cats can lead to a number of secondary diseases and physical impairments. One of the most common complications of obesity in cats is diabetes mellitus, as your cat's obesity can affect the production of the hormone insulin. Furthermore, if your cat is overweight, it can put a strain on its joints and lead to chronic back and joint problems such as osteoarthritis, especially in older cats. In addition, from respiratory and heart problems to skin rashes, there is a wide range of other health problems that have been triggered by obesity.

What to do if you are overweight

If you determine that your cat is overweight, your first priority should be to consult with your veterinarian and create a customized treatment plan. But there are also a few things you can do yourself to help your cat with obesity:

1) Dietary Changes: One of the first steps to a healthy weight for your cat is to change their diet. Your veterinarian can help create a diet plan.

2) Activity: Encourage your cat to exercise to exercise their muscles and boost their digestive system. Play with her or take her for a walk on a cat leash.

3) Weight Monitoring: Keep track of your cat's weight and share the results with your vet.

Find out more about common cat diseases or other topics related to cat health by visiting our blog .

About Feniska

Feniska is a Berlin-based animal health startup that develops smart, stylish and easy-to-use devices to maintain and improve pet health. It is our promise to recognize symptoms of illness faster than the veterinarian and thus avoid unnecessary headaches and veterinary costs.

The first product is the Feniska Base, an intelligent toilet pad that is placed under the litter box. The pad monitors the cat's weight development and toilet visits and can thus detect anomalies in good time. Our data-driven approach makes it possible to quickly make statements about disease symptoms that indicate diabetes, cystitis, kidney failure or obesity.*

The smart base connects to the Feniska app, so you always have an overview of your cat's health, even when you're not at home.

Feniska's mission is to ensure a healthy and happy cat life and we take this task very seriously.

*Disclaimer: Feniska is not a veterinarian and is excluded from liability. The statements about symptoms of illness are to be considered as such, not as complete diagnoses. Please consult a veterinarian in any case.