
This is how you get to know your pet (even) better!

So lernst du dein Haustier (noch) besser kennen!

It's the year 2023; four years after the start of the pandemic. A pandemic that showed us how lonely our lives can be when we can't go out and meet new people all the time. Many have gotten a dog or a cat to combat their loneliness. Pets are like children and like newborn children, we need to get to know our newcomers and get used to their new environment. Here are 10 ideas that can help you form a strong bond with your dog or cat.

A permanent place for your four-legged friend

When you first bring your dog or cat into your home, your new pet tends to be nervous and tense. First and foremost, make sure that your pet feels comfortable. Show your fur baby that they are loved and protected in your home by preparing a special place (such as a sleeping pad, cat tree, or small enclosure). Your dog or cat should have their own space and ideally have a blanket or other item that smells like you so they can get used to your smell.


Remember - your pet doesn't know you yet and needs to get used to you first. So spend as much time as possible with your dog or cat to get used to your company. You can just sit with your pet while they play or sleep and slowly bond the two of you.


Touch is not only the human way to show love, it is also very popular with our furry friends. Once your dog or cat has become accustomed to you, you can accustom them to your touch. This is important as many animals are naturally skittish and shy of strangers. So start by gently stroking your fur baby. If your pet feels comfortable with this, you can also carefully pick it up and cuddle it for a long time.

Also good: massages.

Animals, especially animals in a new environment, can be stressed, and a little massage behind the ears can quickly relax your baby animal and help them trust you in stressful situations.

You're not crazy - talk to your animal!

Although it might sound a bit strange, you should talk to your dog or cat. Even if your pet doesn't understand you literally, they can get used to your voice and tone of voice. If your four-legged friend recognizes your voice, it will be easier for him to find you as long as he is within earshot.

Play with your four-legged friend

Take time to play with your dog or cat. In this way you strengthen the bond with your four-legged friend and challenge him physically and mentally. Look for toys or activities to do with your pet and let off steam together!


Pets love to eat and depend on us to do it. They also develop a special bond with us, their "food source". Make sure your pet knows to come to you when hungry. This will strengthen your bond and your dog or cat will know they can count on you.


This is where tempers differ - some four-legged friends love to be brushed and others hate the feeling of a brush on their fur. But your pet should be able to rely on you even in uncomfortable situations, so you should at least try to make grooming a regular ritual.

Be careful

Your four-legged friend cannot talk to you, which is why you should pay close attention to his body language and his behavior in certain situations. Reward your pet when it completes a difficult task and repeat activities that your four-legged friend seems to enjoy most. If you notice that your dog or cat is particularly uncomfortable, you need to comfort your pet appropriately and help them relax.

Time in the fresh air

Go outside with your dog or cat and show your four-legged friend what your environment has to offer. Dogs in particular have to learn that they can continue to orient themselves to you even in a larger environment.

Training (dogs)

In addition to your professional dog trainer, you can also train your four-legged friend yourself. Regular practice sessions will help you both work together and the resources for safe tricks on the internet are endless...

So here are 10 different tips to help you get to know your pet better and get used to you. Have fun trying!


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