
The guide to cat health insurance

Der Guide für Katzen Krankenversicherungen

Nowadays people have insurance for everything. Don't want to deal with damage caused by ghosts? Get ghost insurance. Fear of alien abductions? There is insurance for that too. It goes without saying that health insurance for your cat makes perfect sense. This blog post addresses general questions about cat health insurance and why a cat owner should invest in such insurance.

Does my cat need insurance?

First of all, we should ask ourselves the question: is it really necessary? The answer depends on various factors.

Personal financial situation

Here you have to be realistic about your financial situation. Imagine your cat suddenly becomes ill and needs immediate surgery. Depending on the type of illness and treatment, bills can range from €100 for minor medical procedures to over €2000. Is it possible for you to pay these costs directly from your pocket at a certain point in time?

indoor and outdoor cats

Another important factor is whether your cat stays at home most of the time or likes to roam outside. Outdoor cats are more prone to fights and illnesses than indoor cats. It may therefore make more sense to take out insurance for your cat. But keep in mind that indoor cats do not remain disease-free. As cats get older, diseases that don't occur outdoors can develop.


Some breeds are more prone to certain diseases. Persian cats, for example, tend to have a flat face and a crooked nose. With a short nose, they can have trouble breathing. These facial features are more likely to lead to problems such as breathing problems.

Types of insurance and what to look out for

When deciding on health insurance, it is important that you carefully examine the different offers. Make sure you know what is and isn't included in your plan and what exactly the insurance company will cover. *(Note that most insurance companies allow a waiting period of about a month before the insurance covers the costs).

There are two main types of insurance in Germany:

On the one hand, full protection insurance, which usually covers most or even all of the costs for medical care. If you are considering full protection insurance, you should pay attention to the following details:

* Fee schedule for veterinarians .

The second type is regular OP insurance (OP insurance) . This one is less complicated and has fewer covers. That's why it's also a lot cheaper. However, it only covers the cost of one operation.


As with your own insurance, costs can vary between different providers. In general, insurance becomes more expensive the older the cat is, since older cats, like older humans, are more susceptible to age-related and other diseases. For this reason, the contribution increases with the age of the cat. Still, it's important to insure your cat from a young age if you decide to do so.

You should budget €12 to €30 per month for fully comprehensive insurance. The more you pay for insurance, the less you pay for treatment or surgery costs (or if you have a good insurance plan, you might pay nothing at all except the monthly fee). An annual plan is usually a bit cheaper. But the differences are not very big compared to a monthly plan.

Surgical insurance is more affordable and typically costs between €5 and €15.

Below is a quick overview of the four largest cat health insurance companies in Germany:

So there you have it. This post is designed to help you understand the benefits an insurance company offers for your cat. So if you're looking to invest in cat insurance, be sure to make an appointment with an advisor to ensure your cat, and of course you, can get the most out of it. Ultimately it is your own decision. However, remember that it is always better to be safe than sorry. Think of your cat's welfare and stay happy and healthy!

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