
Everything you need to know about mobile vets

Alles, was du über mobile Tierärzte wissen solltest

A lot has changed in 2020: more home office, travel restrictions and even curfews. During this time, many companies have gone digital so that services can be adapted easily and quickly. One of these services is veterinary medicine. While digital vets have been around for a while, they are now more useful than ever. In this blog, you can learn more about digital veterinary companies.

What are digital vet services?

A Televet, or digital vet, is a pet care company or platform that works with multiple licensed veterinarians to provide fast, more accessible healthcare for your pet. As the name suggests, these “vet clinics” work online, which means that the consultation is usually via video call or chat. In more serious cases, the vet will recommend an in-person appointment and will help you find the nearest available vet in your area. The advantages of being a member of such platforms are:

  • Availability 365 days a year, sometimes even around the clock
  • Advice at home (this is very helpful if your pet doesn't like being in the car)
  • time saving
  • Stress-free pets

Digital vets are even allowed to prescribe medication online. Community members can also ask general questions, which are regularly answered by one of the vets.

How does digital vet service work?

Most online veterinarian websites require three steps to get a consultation.

Step 1: Contact / make an appointment

In the first step, you usually have to chat with a chatbot in which you describe your pet's problem or illness. Some companies give you the option to book a free appointment right away.

Step 2: The medical history of the pet

After you describe your problem or make an appointment, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire about your pet (species, breed, age, insurance and known diseases) or to explain your pet's problem by inserting video clips or pictures that can help clarify the problem. Depending on what it is, the vet will either confirm the appointment or advise you to see a personal vet.

Step 3: The consultation

The final step is the actual consultation. During the consultation, a licensed veterinarian will answer your questions, discuss your pet's problems, and offer advice.


You can mainly choose between two options: you pay per appointment or take out a monthly subscription. The prices are based on the fee schedule for veterinarians (GOT) . If you assume that your pet has to visit the vet frequently, the subscription model may be more cost-effective for you since you pay a fixed amount each month. However, if your pet is healthy and doesn't need as many checkups, the Pay Per Appointment option is right for you. Prices vary between €19.90 and €29.90 per appointment or a subscription from €29.00 to €34.00 per quarter.

There are a variety of online vets on the market today. If you decide to try this concept, you should wait for our next blog post where we discuss and compare the different offers. Until then, stay healthy and happy!

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