Your cat’s litter box is more than just a place for them to do their business—it's a window into their health. Changes in litter box habits can be early indicators of serious issues that, if caught in time, can be treated before they escalate.
- Increased Urination Frequency: This could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or even bladder stones, both of which require immediate attention.
- Decreased Litter Box Use: If your cat is avoiding the litter box, it might be due to pain or discomfort, which could be linked to several underlying health conditions.
- Consistency: Hard, dry stools may indicate dehydration, constipation, or dietary issues. Soft or mushy stools can suggest diet changes, food sensitivities, or intestinal inflammation. Diarrhea might signal infections, parasites, or serious conditions like pancreatitis. Bloody or mucous stools could point to colon inflammation or gastrointestinal issues. Greasy or foul-smelling stools may reveal malabsorption problems or a diet too high in fat.
By paying close attention and using the litter box diary, you can observe these subtle changes and intervene early, potentially saving your cat from suffering in silence and preventing complications.